Monday, February 3, 2014

February News

The proud aunty to a beautiful baby girl named Emmerson. She finally arrived 6 days past her due date, a bit bigger than the Doctor expected needing an emergency c-section. All is well now and the parents are thrilled to have her.
One very proud great grand mother finally meeting her first great grand daughter.
Its hard to believe that the young boy standing in this photo from 1996 is now a father himself. The baby in this photo is about to celebrate his 18th birthday and has been accepted into uni to study Bachelor of Theatre in Mackay. Danielle's little boy is 8 months old today and the girl at the back is also expanding the family in June. I am lucky that her mother makes many more quilts than me so I can find another gift for the baby other than a quilt.
I can proudly comment that I finished this one 27 hours before Emmerson arrived and Amanda is very happy with her choice of  fabrics I used.

 Back to the house restoration. I have been filling the cracks and topcoating where the walls were undercoated before Christmas. I went to Bunnings for more filler supplies and saw this scaffolding for sale. Craig had seen one before in use and we made numerous enquiries with no result so I was very pleased to see it available. After some discussions with the Bunning's staff, where I could not purchase one and collect a few days later as I did not think it would fit in my car, I left a bit disappointed. BUT out in the car park was a lady and a Bunnings man fitting one into her SUV. I looked at the size of her car, and thought it just might fit in my car, and in the end the Bunnings man went and got one, wheeled it out to my car and it fitted. I did have to have my driver's seat a bit forward but I could still drive, so I happily put up with the discomfort to get it home.It's box was 1.92m long by 78 cm wide and about 20cm deep.

It will also be ideal for washing our 11 foot ceilings.

 This was the last wall needing the first topcoat. I had to do a fair bit of sanding of the paint runs of undercoat as this was the last wall to be finished when the others did the undercoating for me.
 This is with one topcoat. Now I have to do it all again, then finish all the door frames, window frames and the roof beams.Then I have to finish the rails and the doors.
 Here is a test coat of Resene Gumboot on the window sill. I want to use this on the rails, stairs, sills and soffits in a cool colour paint ( reflects heat) but it is a bit dark for someone else. So back to Murgon I have to go to find another test colour. I have one selected that is slightly more blue. Soon I'll be able to paint the shed with the test pots. I also have to finish reputtying the top windows.
I have taken some time off from working on the house, and have been quilting this cot panel for another baby arriving in March.

 Our work roster has changed and I now end up with extra spare time between shifts in Bundaberg, so I have dug out a UFO to work on. This is an Inner City arrangement where I have placed the mediums on top. Not sure how it will finish up, but the camera is the best tool for looking at it with. I need a few more days of sewing on this one yet. I think I need to make a few more Y units.

I am also in the planning stage for finishing my large Sunshine and Roses quilt, the start date for that one was back in 2009. I hope to have it finished for August. Will keep you all posted on its progress.

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