Saturday, May 17, 2008

Again , Where have I been ?

Yes I know, a whole month between posts. Yes life certainly gets away when you are trying to keep up with things. Two quarterly BASes ( dont know if that is correct Aussie english but it'll do) , the usual work load of keeping up an income flow, the beginning of the hockey season for being a spectator and the usual no event sewing.

Am still currently working on the mystery quilt for August. Seems like an eternity to get this thing done. Mind you it would help if I could sit and sew for a while uninterrupted. There are some unusual problems in achieving it which can be explained later.
It's also the Bundaberg Quilters annual exhibition and I'm only going to have one or two small wall hangings to enter.
Our Mt Perry quilting group has been working on a fundraising quilt for our movie night for Cancer in October and I will have to machine quilt it also. Hope the girls don't finish it too soon.
Catch you later.

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