I had a polyester piece with gold flecks, black felt and used this as an overlay over a strip pieced landscape. I did some hand stitching meandering throughout.
The second piece is titled "Endlessly Searching"
A single piece of grunge fabric with 3 inserts overlaid with a vertical patterned batik fabric. I did extra vertical machine stitching in places.
During my work leave, I have been learning to use my camera better. I have struggled with focus, keeping the darn thing still when clicking the shutter button, trying to look through the viewfinder is better without glasses. It is annoying to have to keep putting the glasses on and off though. I think using the viewfinder is better than relying on the fold out screen.
I had invested in a quilt stand previously, so I set up the lights, the stand and spent hours working out how to take slightly better photos. In the process I now have a decent ( or slightly better ) photo of each piece and they are now stored away. I also used the camera tripod and the self timer button to stop the jitters. I also managed to get Belinda's alcohol ink paintings framed and have kept one for our walls and returned to her the rest . I thought since I bought the yupo paper, inks and frames , I could keep one. She proudly showed them off when her guests turned up for her recent birthday celebrations. They are poster size and great to look at. We are encouraging her to pick up the brush and straw again and paint some more, but work and staff shortages keeps her busy.
This is a quick photo taken using the flash instead of my lights as they had been packed away. I have to start the quilting next.
Working out, whether to overlay? Add some small strips? What next? I remembered the time spent on sewing an overlay for a recent commission which saw me, making 2 because the first one was not quite the best colour, I thought I have a Wacom cintiq HD13 drawing tablet sitting idle, so I have spent the past week re learning how to draw with it. This gives me an idea of maybe the next stage using an actual photo of the underlay. I have now managed to remember a bit of photoshop, as drawing in Word doesn't save the changes to the original photo.

An example of a possibility. I can change colour/size/shape and get an idea without wasting fabric and lots of time. I can also do this while away from home and a sewing machine.
Learning about my camera, I tried taking photos of the orchard welcoming spring ( a bit early). I managed to understand how changing the Aperture changes the Depth of Field and am happier with my skills.
Hoping that severe frosts don't come along and damage the stone fruit.
The plum trees in flower were an absolute delight, the bees were very busy.
The nets in the background are protecting the late mandarins from the birds. We are trying to be partly self sufficient in our fruit supply. The vegetable garden is back on the agenda, just waiting for some warmer weather, hopefully it is here soon. Spring is always an inspiring time of year for me, hopefully it is for you too.