We have made preparations to get three of our dams repaired and fences fixed. We consider ourselves very lucky with the damage we received compared to other areas of Queensland.
Then we also saw the floods in Victoria, bushfires in Western Australia and today more earthquakes in New Zealand. The snow storms across the USA added to the world's misery. I may be called a climate change sceptic, but I tend to think the Earth's poles are going for a bit of a tilt instead. I won't be alive in thousands of years to learn what really is happening though.
Back to the house renos ------- called to a halt for awhile. A wrist injury from work halted my activities a bit. Got that sorted now, blame the replacement centrifuge that needs a 10 ton force to close both lids on it, and my wrist has been xrayed, ultrasounded and it is perfectly normal. Does not hurt when I use the centrifuge in a different manner so that must have been the cause.
My Yeppoon workshop was delayed until March due to the floods, so have been playing with the 60 degree triangle ruler for some samples. I must apologise for the photoes taken with the quilts hanging on the clothesline as I did not have time to set up for a real photo shoot.
I like the movement created across this quilt. Technically quite difficult to sew as there is lots of seams at some intersections. I love the narrow contrast colours and how they all interlock.
This is it finished with a narrow dark border frame. It somehow reminds me of a cyclone tracking map.
Finally I got the UFO out of the cupboard and have sewn it up. My Strips n Curves Demo from October 2009, not sure about a border/frame or what yet. I hope to take some of these with me to my Hollis Chatelain quilting quilts workshop at Coffs Harbour in May 2011. I think they need a bit of spicing up with some thread.
I have also continued with another idea from the green quilt, but using my stash of orange/pink/purple fabric. More pics when that is finished. Off to Mt Perry Wednesday for another patchwork day so I hope to get some more strips sewn.