Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wow!! Is she really back?

Yes I'm here. I have been to Brisbane twice in the last 6 weeks. The QCWA dyeing workshop was very enjoyable. Hope you all like your fabrics . The Textile Fair was very inspiring and also a bit deflating. I managed to use the plastic for some purchases but not too much.

I went back to Brisbane for a parent's medical appointment and went clothes shopping.

I have also been working as usual. Spent a night at Cania Gorge and went rock hopping.

I have actually basted one quilt of my contemporary table runners workshop series ready to be quilted. I have also finished dyeing the backings for quite a few more so hope to drag out the quilt sewing machine to quilt them. My dreams of a long arm still persist but other financial decisions regarding our future lives must come first.

I also managed to re photograph some of my quilts last week.

Here is a new photo of a favourite small quilt from my connector series.